
Showing posts with the label VIN labels

Why Do Imported Cars Need New VIN Stickers

 Why Do Imported Cars Need New VIN Stickers A good portion of the replacement VIN Stickers we create are for cars imported from Canada (including a few other countries).  Here is the reason. 49 CFR § 591.5 - Declarations required for importation. CFR prev  |  next § 591.5 Declarations required for importation. No person shall import a motor vehicle or item of motor vehicle equipment into the United States unless, at the time it is offered for importation, its importer files a declaration and documentation, in a paper or electronic format accepted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which declares one of the following: (a) (1)  The vehicle was not manufactured primarily for use on the public roads and thus is not a motor vehicle subject to the Federal motor vehicle safety, bumper, and theft prevention standards; or (2)  The equipment item is not a system, part, or component of a motor vehicle and thus is not an item of motor vehicle equipment subject to the Federal motor vehicle safe