What is a VIN number?
What is a VIN Number? What is a VIN number? A VIN number is a Vehicle Identification Number . There is at least one on every motor vehicle. This includes: cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, trailers, flat beds, mopeds, and scooters. VIN numbers were standardized in 1981. Since then, all motor vehicles sold had to have a 17-character VIN. The first 3 characters identify the company that made the vehicle. The next 6 characters describe the type and model of the vehicle. The last 8 characters identify the particular vehicle. They are similar to a serial number for a specific make and model. Where are VIN numbers located? VIN numbers can be located in several places in a motor vehicle. Most vehicles have more than one VIN number. VIN numbers can usually be found: where the dashboard meets the windshield on the driver’s side of the vehicle, on the jamb or post of the driver’s door, at the front of the engine block, underneath the spare tire in the trunk, in the well of the rear wheel o...