California is Cracking down on VIN Stickers
California is Cracking down on VIN Stickers It appears that California (along with several other states) is cracking down on worn out VIN stickers and all of the other stickers that your automobile requires. Here is a copy of the law they put into place back in 2006. I am sure that other states are now following suit with similar laws. Make sure your VIN stickers are legible and compliant. Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions. (317) 413-1169 or visit our website at California Vehicle Code Section 10751 (a) No person shall knowingly buy, sell, offer for sale, receive, or have in his or her possession, any vehicle, or component part thereof, from which any serial or identification number, including, but not limited to, any number used for registration purposes, that is affixed by the manufacturer to the vehicle or component part, in whatever manner deemed proper by the manufacturer, has been removed, defaced, altere...
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